Gary Monroe was raised in Knoxville, Tennessee and trained as an artist at Western Kentucky University. He
then lived in Dallas for several years working while he pursued his art
career. He was an active member of the 500X Gallery in
Dallas and frequently exhibited in Dallas at various galleries. He
recently moved back to Knoxville and has incorporated his interest in the cultural
folk life of Appalachia into his art work. You can contact Gary
Monroe by clicking here to email him.
EXHIBITIONS: 2005 Green Hill Center for North Carolina Art & Guilford College. THRESHOLDS: EXPRESSIONS OF ART & SPIRITUAL LIFE; Eleanor Heartney, Curator. Catalog. Roq La Rue Gallery, Seattle, WA. BIG ROCK CANDY MOUNTAIN. 2004 State Museum of South Carolina; Columbia, SC. THRESHOLDS: EXPRESSIONS OF ART & SPIRITUAL LIFE; Eleanor Heartney, Curator. Catalog. Owensboro Museum of Art; Owensboro, KY. THRESHOLDS: EXPRESSIONS OF ART & SPIRITUAL LIFE; Eleanor Heartney, Curator. Catalog.
2003-2004 City Museum of Charleston, SC. THRESHOLDS: EXPRESSIONS OF ART & SPIRITUAL LIFE; Eleanor Heartney, Curator. Catalog. 2003 Avampato Museum, Charleston, WV. APPALACHIAN CORRIDORS; juried exhibition. Eleanor Heartney, Juror. Merit Award, Drawing. Catalog. 2001 Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church, Knoxville, TN. SERPENT HANDLERS AND OTHER SAINTS. 1999 Rodman Townsend Sr. Memorial Gallery, Knoxville Museum of Art; Knoxville, TN. ARTIST OF THE MONTH. 1998 500X Gallery, Dallas, Texas; Waco Art Center, Waco Texas; Richland College, Richardson, Texas. 20 X 500: VIEWS FROM A DALLAS WAREHOUSE. 1988 Plaza of the Americas, Dallas, Texas. EXCELLENCE '88; Texas Sculpture Association Competition. Longview Museum and Arts Center, Longview Texas. 29th ANNUAL INVITATIONAL. 1987 DW Gallery, Dallas, Texas. 100 UNDER 1000. Texas Christian University, Ft. Worth, Texas. ART IN THE METROPLEX '87. Jewish Community Center, Houston, Texas. 21ST JURIED ART EXHIBITION. Plaza of the Americas, Dallas, Texas. EXCELLENCE '87. 1983 500X Gallery, Dallas, Texas. SUSAN MAGILOW/GARY MONROE NEW WORK. 1982 500X Gallery, Dallas, Texas. THE SITE SHOW. 500X Gallery, Dallas, Texas. MUST EVERYONE TALK AT ONCE? 500X Gallery, Dallas, Texas. PAPERS. 500X Gallery, Dallas, Texas. ASSEMBLED. 1981 500X Gallery, Dallas, Texas. THE GROUP SHOW. PUBLICATIONS: Teresa Tynes, “Charleston, South Carolina”, Art Papers, March/April 2004, p. 41-42. Heather Joyner, "Copperhead Road to Salvation; One Artist's Vehicle for Transformation." Metro Pulse, Knoxville, TN; Volume 12, #14, April 4-10, 2001. New American Paintings; Volume 34, July 2001. Bill Marvel, "Critic's Choice." Dallas Times Herald, December 18, 1981. Kevin Fox, "Art in the Abstract." Dallas Downtown News, February 7, 1983. Charles Dee Mitchell, "At 500X." Dallas Observer, February 10, 1983. Ron Lowe, "500X-hibit." Ft. Worth Star Telegram, February 10, 1983. Bill Marvel, "Critic's Choice." Dallas Times Herald, February 11, 1983. Janet Kutner, "Artworks Explore Abstract." Dallas Morning News, February 19, 1983. Bruce Nixon, "Public Confronts Bold Sculpture." Dallas Times Herald, July 3, 1987. Janet Kutner, "Excellence '87 Exhibit Features Top Sculpture." Dallas Morning News, July 7, 1987. Tom Moody, "Excellence '88." Art Papers, January/February, 1989, pp. 50-52.